A reflection on the "Say Her Name" documentary about Sandra Bland

#SandySpeaks - Sandra Bland died due to neglect from personnel at a Texas county jail. What also stood out to me in the documentary is that her bond was set at $500. Her family could not afford to bond her out of jail. She was wrongfully locked up and stayed in jail for three days unable to find someone who could pay $500 to get her out. This detail is minute compared to the things to mull over about the case. I watched the documentary grieving her life and was immediately inspired to push forward with Black Girl Ventures. Sandy is still speaking! It revealed for me just how real the work of BGV is. Creating generational wealth is vital to our existence. It is crucial to the longevity of Black life in America. I am extremely motivated to push BGV into a position where a passionate, career-switching activist like Sandra Bland will not have to wonder if her family can bail her out of jail on her journey to fight injustice.