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Black Girl Ventures Program


Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program

a totally unique 3-month leadership skills development program
Black Girl Ventures Agent

Feb 12th


March 11th





What is it?

The Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program by is an exceptional 12-week initiative dedicated to developing leadership and ecosystem building skills while growing your network.


BGV incubates founders and ecosystem builders across multiple local ecosystems as a means to amplify new leaders and to create an “each one, teach one” model for growing the long-term entrepreneurial knowledge and sustainability of small businesses. Black Girl Ventures cultivates local leaders, who in-turn cultivate their community as a service to the greater good of creating equal opportunity to thrive in their cities. Together, we will create access to social and financial capital for underrepresented and underfunded entrepreneurs everywhere!

During the 12-week leadership skills development fellowship, Emerging Leaders Fellows will:

Be matched with a group of peers in their city
Receive business leadership training through a virtual skills development program facilitated by industry leaders.
Grow their network and access to resources to surface as an ecosystem builder in their community.
Engage in selecting the pitch participants for the BGV Pitch in your community. 

We will be
recruiting for
the next cohort 
as of February 12th, 2024.

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What you'll gain

  • You’ll receive a $5k stipend - plus in-kind resources to grow your business!
  • Leadership skills development training through the BGV Jetpack for Leaders curriculum
  • Lifetime membership to the BGV Connect platform: BGV Connect is Black Girl Ventures' online incubator for founders like you! 
  • You’ll gain a network and visibility as a business leader in your city
  • You’ll have access to BGV’s expanding network of partners and capital providers
  • Black Girl Ventures co-branded swag from BGV and our sponsors!
  • Free access to Master Class and Canva for a year!

How to apply

Complete the application form 
If chosen you will move to the interview round and tell us more about why the program is a good fit for you.
You’ll receive an email notification of a decision


If I apply for the program, am I automatically admitted? 
Enrollment is limited. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Information submitted will not be released for other purposes and cannot be returned to the applicant. 

How many cohorts will there be?

In 2024, there will be 1 cohort from April to June.

How many founders will be selected for the program?

7-10 founders selected for each cohort across 4 cities (Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, New York City).

Do I have to be a resident of a specific city to apply to the fellowship?
Currently, this opportunity is only available to residents of the following cities: Los Angeles, Austin, Chicago, New York City - but we’re growing quickly and hope to offer opportunities in more cities in the new future!

I applied for the program, now what?
Stay tuned for more info. If you have questions email
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